
redmaomail 2024-08-05 14:08 阅读数 85 #物流资讯




  为了让货物进入加拿大,跨境运输很常见。一些供应商通过美加边境运送货物,而另一些供应商则通过下面列出的加拿大五个最大港口运送货物。从汽车到冷藏货物,再到食品等易腐物品,再到其他主食,每年通过这些加拿大大型港口进口价值数十亿美元的货物。这包括加拿大每年进口总额的大约 20%,其余部分通过空运和陆运运入加拿大。

  无论是空运还是海运,加拿大都是主要的贸易目的地之一。这个北美国家从大西洋一直延伸到太平洋,拥有三个领土和十个省。它甚至向北转向北冰洋。Canada is one of the premier destinations for trade whether airborne or seaborne. This North American country runs all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean with its three territories and ten provinces. It even veers towards the Arctic Ocean to the north.

  加拿大不仅以其枫糖浆而闻名,而且其面积占北美大陆的五分之二。由于它与多个海滨接壤,因此它拥有一些世界上最高效、最现代化的港口。Canada is not only famous for its maple syrup but for its size which is two fifths of the North American continent. Since it borders several ocean fronts, it has some of the most efficient and modern ports in the world.

  以下是加拿大 5 个最大的主要港口

  1.  温哥华港 Port of Vancouver


  该港口由温哥华弗雷泽港务局监管,是该国最大的港口。在北美,它的吨位容量排名第三。作为促进国家与其他世界经济体之间贸易的主要港口,因为它在不同的海洋贸易路线和河流渔道之间的战略定位。它由错综复杂的州际公路和铁路网络提供服务。Overseen by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, this port is the country’s largest port. In North America, it’s the third largest in terms of tonnage capacity. As the main port facilitating trade between the nation and other world economies because of its strategic positioning between the different ocean trade routes and the river fishing lanes. It’s serviced by an intricate network of interstate highways and rail lines.

  该港口处理了该国超过 7600 万吨的货物总量,大致相当于来自全球贸易伙伴的超过 430 亿美元的进出口货物。港口拥有25个集装箱、散货和散杂货码头,直接为30,000多名从事海运货物、造船和修理、邮轮业和其他非海运企业的个人提供就业机会。海运货运部门是港口最大的收入来源和雇主,其次是邮轮行业。The port handles over 76 million metric tonnes of the country’s total cargo which loosely translates to over $43 billion in import and export goods from global trading partners. With 25 terminals handling container, bulk cargo and break cargo the port provides employment directly to over 30,000 individuals who deal with the maritime cargo, shipbuilding and repairs, the cruise industry and other non-maritime enterprises.

  温哥华是温哥华 - 阿拉斯加游轮的基地港口。The maritime cargo sector is the largest revenue producer and employer in the port followed by the cruise industry sector.

  2. 蒙特利尔港 Port of Montreal

  蒙特利尔港在技术方面是一个非常先进的港口,非常受人工智能驱动,被认为是世界上最前沿的港口之一。蒙特利尔港与 140 个国家相连,仅在 2019 年就处理了 4060 万吨货物,占当年在加拿大处理的所有货物的 10% 以上。液体散货、集装箱和干散货的处理量很大,每天有超过 2,500 辆卡车驶往蒙特利尔港。

  该港口位于圣劳伦斯河航道,对魁北克和蒙特利尔的经济产生了巨大影响。这是因为它位于北美、地中海地区和欧洲之间最短的直接贸易路线。Located on the Saint Lawrence River seaway this port has had a massive impact on the economy of Quebec and Montreal. This is because it lies on the shortest direct trade route between North America, the Mediterranean region and Europe.

  使用一些最新技术确保了该港口的效率。他们刚刚开始使用人工智能驱动的智能来预测司机取货或卸货的最佳时间。此外,他们还获得了建设第五个集装箱码头的资金,这使该港口的容量比目前至少 145 万标准箱的年容量还要大。有了新码头,该港口预计将能够处理 210 万标准箱。该港口每年的货物吨位超过3500万吨。Using some of the latest technology has ensured efficiency in this port. They just started using AI driven intelligence to predict the best times for drivers to pick up their or drop off their containers. In addition, they have received funding for the construction of a fifth container terminal which gives the port even greater capacity than its current annual capacity of at least 1.45 million TEUs. With the new terminal the port is projected to be able to handle 2.1 million TEUs. The cargo tonnage of this port annually is more than 35 million metric tonnes.

  3. 鲁珀特王子港Port of Prince Rupert


  鲁珀特王子港是作为温哥华港的替代选择而建造的,它对全球市场有着巨大的影响力。它通过其食品生产终端鲁珀特王子谷物(Prince Rupert grain)运输小麦和大麦等出口产品的高效运营。该码头是加拿大最现代化的谷物设施之一,每年可运输超过 700 万吨谷物。它还拥有超过 200,000 吨的存储容量。它服务于北非、美洲和中东市场。Port of Prince Rupert was built as an alternative option to the Vancouver port and it has a massive reach to the worldwide market. It has efficient operations moving exports like wheat and barley through its food production terminal, Prince Rupert grain. This terminal is among Canada’s most modern grain facilities with the capacity of shipping over seven million tonnes of grain annually. It also has a storage capacity of over 200,000 tonnes. It serves the North African, Americas and Middle East markets.

  Westview 码头处理港口的木材出口,这些木材进入欧洲市场,而 Ridley 煤炭码头则出口用于亚洲经济体钢铁制造的冶金煤。这是出口加拿大大部分自然资源时的停靠港。它与加拿大境内的矿山、森林和田地相连,该港口能够处理来自艾伯塔省、曼尼托巴省和萨斯喀彻温省内陆的散装货物,有效地防止了另一个港口的货物拥堵和不必要的出口延误。The Westview Terminal handles the port’s exports of lumber which makes their way into the European markets while the Ridley Coal Terminal exports metallurgical coal used in steel manufacture in the Asian economies. This is the port of call when exporting most of Canada’s natural resources. It’s linked to mines, forest and fields within Canada and the port is able to handle the bulk cargo coming from the interior Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan effectively preventing cargo congestion at the other port and unnecessary delays in exportation.

  4.哈利法克斯港Port of Halifax

  哈利法克斯港是加拿大的另一个主要港口,以数据驱动和每15分钟或更短时间捕获一次货运数据而自豪。哈利法克斯港实际上连接的国家比蒙特利尔港还要多,与 150 个国家有关系。

  该港口与全球 150 个经济体相连,是效率的缩影,其自行设定的最后期限有助于快速运输货物,同时仍保持高水平的专业性。该港口计划到 2020 年 3 月集装箱泊位将全面扩展时,能够同时处理两艘大型船舶。该港口所在的加拿大东海岸的集装箱运输量增加了两倍,这意味着该港口必须扩建以适应运输量并利用涌入的机会。With connections to 150 economies worldwide, this port is the epitome of efficiency with its self-imposed deadlines that help it move cargo fast while still retaining high levels of professionalism. The port plans to be able to handle two mega vessels simultaneously by March of 2020 when the container berth will be fully extended. The container traffic on the East coast of Canada where this port is located has increased twice fold meaning the port has to expand to accommodate the traffic and take advantage of the influx.

  该港口战略性地位于北美进出货物运输的门户。也许它最大的优势是它是一个不结冰的港口,也是一个潮汐很少的深水港,因此它可以全年舒适地运行。它是加拿大能够处理大量货物的四大集装箱港口之一。它拥有石油、粮食、天然气、普通货物和造船和修理厂的设施。除了处理杂货、滚装/滚装和散装货物外,它还欢迎游轮。它已成为全球领先的游轮停靠港。The port strategically sits at the gateway of both outgoing and inbound cargo traffic in North America. Perhaps its biggest advantage is that it is an ice-free harbor as well as being a deep water port with very little tides so it can operate all throughout the year comfortably. It’s among the top four container ports in Canada that has the capacity of handling large volumes of cargo. It features facilities for oil, grain, gas, general cargo and a shipbuilding and repair yard. Apart from handling breakbulk, roll on/off and bulk cargo it also welcomes cruise liners. It has distinguished itself as a leading cruise ship port of call globally.

  5. 圣约翰港Port of Saint John

  圣约翰是加拿大大西洋地区最大港口的所在地,通过公路和铁路与加拿大其他地区相连。圣约翰港每年处理大约 2800 万吨货物,与全球 500 个港口有良好的联系。这使其成为加拿大第五大主要港口。从加拿大横贯公路可轻松抵达该港口,使公路上的货物运输和横跨加拿大的运输成为一个轻松的过渡。

  这个港口位于该国东部,是该地区最大的港口。它处理散货、杂货、液体货物、干货和集装箱。该港口可处理约 2800 万吨货物,与全球 500 个其他港口的连接使其成为该国商业的主要促进者。This port lies to the east of the country and is the largest port on that end. It handles bulk, breakbulk, liquid cargo, dry cargo and containers. The port can handle approximately 28 million metric tonnes of cargo and its connection to 500 other ports worldwide makes it a major facilitator of commerce in the country.

  圣约翰港拥有通过公路和铁路与加拿大内陆市场的良好连接,以及广受欢迎的邮轮码头。他们还设有码头,可满足原油、废金属回收、糖蜜等商品和产品的需求。The Port of Saint John boasts of excellent connectivity to the inland markets of Canada via road and rail as well as a high popular cruise terminal. They also have terminals to cater to crude oil, scrap metal recycling, molasses among other goods and products.





