1.Also,we received information that this shipment used incorrect
BL nature code
instead of 24 you used 23 With this we need to process
the amend in manifest to correct the BLNature code Amendment
Fee costs of Php10.000.
Kindly check &confirm this issue urgently See below email for reference.
2.The BL NATURE CODE is set by default as “23” for all import shipments. Customers are required to send written request for BL NATURE CODE “24” and FINAL DESTINATION with acknowledgment receipt from our Documentation team 3 days before ETA thru email: phl.impdocs@cma-cgm.com.
BL nature code:
.关于菲律宾地区代码(NATURE CODE 23/24):
发货人需要在船开前提供“PRE- ALERT documents”给收货人,并与收货人确认好申报地区代码,避免事后改单产生费用。
按照菲律宾海关要求,凡是抵达菲律宾的货物,需要在海关系统提前录入货物所对应的 BL Nature Code(地区代码,以下简称Nature Code),目前Nature Code有23和24两种录入选项,23表示进口本地销售,24表示来料加工复出口。
目的港现统一按照海关默认的Nature Code:23录入系统,代理人订舱前需与收货人确认好货物申报的地区代码,如有特殊要求Nature Code需按24录入的货物,需在B00KING上做备注,并在最终核对数据时再次强调。
货物起飞后,如需变更Nature Code,请收货人自行与当地海关申请解决,并承担罚金等相关费用。