nginx 默认安装位置
it is usually installed in the /etc/nginx directory.
Within this directory
there are several subdirectories that hold various configuration files
and other resources. The main configuration file for nginx is typically located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. This file contains the global configurations for the web server
such as server blocks
proxy settings
and log formats.
In addition to the main configuration file
nginx also uses individual configuration files for each website or application that it serves. These configuration files are usually stored in the /etc/nginx/sites-available directory and are then symlinked to the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled directory to be activated.
nginx also stores its error logs
access logs
and other log files in the /var/log/nginx directory. These logs can be useful for troubleshooting issues with the web server or monitoring its performance.
the default installation location of nginx is designed to keep its configuration files
and resources organized and easily accessible for administrators. By following the standard conventions for file locations
nginx makes it easier for users to manage and maintain their web server configuration.