
redmaomail 2024-10-22 11:41 阅读数 47 #建站与主机




animationend is an event that triggers when a CSS animation has completed. It is a useful tool for web developers who want to trigger actions once an animation has finished playing on a webpage.


When an animation is applied to an element using CSS

it is important to have control over when the animation finishes so that further actions can be taken. The animationend event provides a way to do this by allowing developers to listen for when the animation has ended and then execute additional code.


The animationend event can be used in conjunction with CSS animations to create interactive and engaging web content. For example

a developer could use the animationend event to trigger a new animation

display a message

or update the content on the webpage once the initial animation has completed.


To use the animationend event

developers must first apply a CSS animation to an element on the webpage. This can be done using keyframes or CSS transitions. Once the animation is applied

the developer can then add an event listener for the animationend event to the element.


Here is an example of how the animationend event can be used in a CSS animation:








In this example

a red box is animated to slide in from the left side of the screen using a CSS animation. Once the animation has finished

the background color of the box is changed to blue using the animationend event.



the animationend event is a powerful tool for web developers looking to create dynamic and interactive web content. By pairing it with CSS animations

developers can easily control the timing of their animations and trigger additional actions once they have completed.


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