1 订单延期
第12967号外贸信函模板 :解释限电减产造成客户订单受到限产影响的英文外贸邮件模板
暂无 了解如何写一个高打开率的主题行
Dear [name],
Due to the recent “dual control of energy consumption” policy of the Chinese government, our manufacturing operation has been adjusted to “run for 7 days and stop 7 days”(根据实际情况修改), and the production capacity is only half (根据实际情况修改)of that under normal conditions.
We have tried our best to ensure the on-time production, but we are very sorry to inform you that the delivery of your order will be delayed by [X] days, and the latest delivery time is [XXXX].
You have always been our company’s most important customer. Therefore, your order will be processed first in our production line. Please rest assured that we will complete the production with quality and quantity, and minimize the impact. Once the tight power supply is relieved, our production capacity will be restored immediately.
We will keep in touch with you on the progress of the order. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We appreciate your continued support and understanding!
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
第12969号外贸信函模板 :告知客户限电未对客户订单造成影响的英文外贸邮件模板
暂无 了解如何写一个高打开率的主题行
Dear [name],
Perhaps you have noticed that the Chinese government’s recent “dual control of energy consumption” policy has had a certain impact on the production capacity of some manufacturing companies.
But please rest assured that our company has not encountered the problem of limited production capacity. Our production line is running normally, and your order will be delivered as scheduled.
We will keep in touch with you so that you can keep abreast of our production progress.
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
2 催单
第12970号外贸信函模板 :因中国限电减产的催单或逼单外贸邮件模板(一)
暂无 了解如何写一个高打开率的主题行
Dear [name],
Perhaps you have noticed that the recent “dual control of energy consumption” policy of the Chinese government has had a certain impact on the production capacity of some manufacturing companies, and the delivery of orders in some industries has to be delayed.
In addition, the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the draft of “2021-2022 Autumn and Winter Action Plan for Air Pollution Management” in September. This autumn and winter (from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), the production capacity in some industries may be further restricted.
To mitigate the impact of these restrictions, we recommend that you place an order as soon as possible. We will arrange production in advance to ensure that your order can be delivered on time.
If you have any questions, please contact us and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
第12977号外贸信函模板 :因中国限电减产的催单或逼单外贸邮件模板(二)
暂无 了解如何写一个高打开率的主题行
Dear [name],
To commit the promise to the world that China will meet the emission peak in the year 2030 and carbon neutrality in the year 2060, Chinese local governments have taken strict-ever actions to reduce the release of CO2 and energy consumption by restricted the supply of electrical power.
Some areas supply 5 days and stop 2 days in a week, some supply 3 and stop 4 days, some even just supply 2 days but stop 5 days.
These actions will result in a terrible increase of all costs, from raw materials to packing materials, from labor cost to ports operation costs.
Now, we all face a difficult choice: to order NOW (before our National Day-Oct 1st) or wait at least 6 months later (NOT sure when costs will go down). Just be prepared for 2 things: prices will be increased and delivery time will be prolonged.
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
3 涨价
第12978号外贸信函模板 :因中国限电减产造成涨价的英文外贸邮件模板
暂无 了解如何写一个高打开率的主题行
Last year, the Chinese government has officially announced that China aims to reach peak emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, which means that China only has 30 years for continuous and rapid emissions cuts. To build a community of common destiny, the Chinese people have to work hard and make unprecedented progress.
In September, many local governments in China began to implement strict “dual control system of energy consumption” policies. Our production lines as well as our upstream supply chain partners were all affected to a certain extent.
In addition, the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the draft of “2021-2022 Autumn and Winter Action Plan for Air Pollution Management” in September. This autumn and winter (from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), the production capacity in some industries may be further restricted.
Due to the limited production capacity and the recent sharp increase in raw material prices, we have to inform you that we will increase prices for some products from 15th October. Please see the attachment for the latest quotation form.
Our company has been committed to providing customers with high-quality products and thoughtful service. Prior to this, we have made every effort to mitigate the impacts of issues like rising raw material costs and exchange rate fluctuations and to avoid price increases. However, in order to maintain the quality of the product, and continue business with you, we have to increase product prices this October.
I’d like to remind you that our prices will be increasing with effect from 15th October and the prices of orders processed before then will remain unchanged.
Thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
+(86) 131-1234-5678
Street, City, Province, China
- 来自BBC的报道:
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-58704221 - 来自华尔街日报的报道:
https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-power-outages-pose-new-threat-to-supplies-of-chips-and-other-goods-11632769617 - 来自路透社的报道:
https://www.reuters.com/article/china-power/wrapup-1-china-power-crunch-spreads-shutting-factories-and-dimming-growth-outlook-idUSL1N2QT09W - 来自彭博社的报道:
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-27/china-s-electricity-shock-is-latest-supply-chain-threat-to-world - 来自Global Times的报道:
https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1235157.shtml - 来自纽约时报的报道:
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