如何有效且自信地主导/主持一个英文视频会议 conference call?
1 开始会议
Good morning. This is [Alex] from the [your company name].
Good afternoon [Rachel]. Thank you for joining us today.
I would like to welcome everybody here today.
Thanks for attending.
Could you all when speaking state your name clearly?
Please indicate (say) which office/department you represent so that the minutes are recorded properly.
Before we start, please could you introduce yourselves?
I’m afraid [Jacky] is absent today. We will have to proceed without him
[Ralph], please could you correct my pronunciation before we begin?
Today we have two [Toms]. Please could we add surnames when speaking: Tom Smith and Tom Taylor.
I’d like to introduce [Paul]. He’s in charge of Sales in the Paris office.
2 设定基本规则
We have 3 nationalities here today. Please speak clearly and slowly so that everyone understands.
Please could you speak one at a time?
May I remind you to speak one at a time?
Could you check your microphone please?
Remember to switch off the mute button when you are speaking. Switch it on when you’re not speaking.
3 决定发言顺序
We’ll follow an alphabetical speaking order. We’ll begin with Mr. Baldwin, followed by Mrs. Brown, Mr. Chatterjee, Ms. Evans, Mr. Richards, Ms. Stalling and Mr. Yaxley.
4 处理问题
Can you hear me ok?
Could you check your microphone please?
I can’t hear very well.
I’m sorry. I have a problem with my microphone.
There’s a lot of noise in the background. Could you check your microphone please?
John, you need to switch off the mute button if you want to speak.
I’m sorry [John], but I’m afraid I didn’t understand. Please could you repeat that?
I’m afraid I didn’t understand, Mr [Chopra]. Please could you speak more slowly?
I’m sorry [Mr McKay] but I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that please?
I’m afraid I didn’t understand [Mr McKay]. Please could you say that again?
I’m sorry [Mr McKay]. Please could you clarify what you mean by…?
There are two people speaking. Mr Chopra, can you continue? John, we’ll come back to you in a moment.
5 设定目标
The purpose of today’s meeting is to review last month’s sales.
The objective of this meeting is to make a decision about the advertising campaign.
The purpose of this call is…
Our agenda today will be…
I would like your input on…
I’ll be asking questions about…
6 参照文件
You should have a green document in front of you entitled ‘Customer Satisfaction’
The main points are highlighted in bold.
Please turn to page 14
7 分享意见
Shall we go round the table and hear everyone’s opinion?
Alex, what do you think?
[Rachel], what are your thoughts?
In my opinion, we are performing well under the circumstances.
I think that…
I agree
I completely agree
I agree to a certain extent.
I’m sorry but I’m afraid I disagree.
I see your point but I’m afraid I disagree.
I tend to disagree.
I see things from a different perspective.
So what you’re saying is, we need to increase sales.
Could you repeat that please?
So if I understood correctly, you want us to increase the budget?
Let’s try to find a middle ground.
Why don’t we try to reach a compromise?
Would you be willing to compromise?
If you could increase our budget, then we could spend more on advertising.
Maybe we could increase the budget.
Why don’t we focus on online advertising?
That’s a good idea.
I like that idea.
I understand.
I see your point.
I’m sorry to interrupt. It’s Susan here.
Alex here. Could I just jump in here.
8 管理发言的人
Sorry. Who’s speaking please?
Please could you say your name before speaking?
[Pauline], what are your thoughts?
Let’s ask everyone their opinion.
9 管理时间
May I remind everyone that we have to finish by 4pm.
Please be brief as we only have 30 minutes.
I think we’re getting side-tracked. Let’s try to keep to the agenda.
I’m afraid we’re running out of time.
Would anyone like to add anything before we finish the call?
We’re running out of time. Let’s try to wrap things up.
10 会议结束
So, let’s go over the main points.
So, to summarize we have decided to focus on online sales.
So [Alex], you’re going to send out the minutes. [Rachel], you’re going to speak to the regional Manager.
Shall we schedule a follow-up call in 2 weeks?
Let’s speak again next month.
Thank you everyone for your time. In this discussion, we covered the following points…
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